GR11 Hiking

Day 35: Slog

Kilometres walked: 28km  / Total distance: 638km / Elevation gain:  1109m / Elevation loss: 961m / Time walked: 6h41min

Some days just aren’t it, and this is one of them.

The day starts with a roadwalk out of town. My feet still hurt from yesterday’s tarmac and what’s worse is that my pack is heavy from the 3 liter of water I’m carrying: there is little water on this stage. And of course I went overboard in the supermarket yesterday and, as usual, I’m carrying way too much food.

Eventually, the climb leads to a col that forms the border between Spain and France. I entertain myself for a minute by jumping back and forth between both countries -France! Spain! France! Spain! – but it only temporarily lifts the mood.

Border stone 500

This is also the only picture I take today, which probably says something about my mindset and the scenery. The rest of the day is just up and endless down on track, in the full sun, with crappy markings. One section tries to make an effort to go off the track, but the alternative is just a rocky trail through brush on a steep slope, which is worse.


There is one thing go look forward to today: there are trailfriends waiting in Planoles, my destination for today! I met Paul and Maria way back in the first week on trail, and I’ve finally caught up with them after my little ‘break’ from the GR11 with Antonio.

When I arrive at the campground I get assigned a pitch that’s slightly too small for my tent. It’s nice that they have dedicated field (terrace) for hikers with small tents but I struggle to make my tent fit between the hedge and the slope. After putting every peg three times and trying different angles it’s finally standing, sort of. Paul and Maria arrive from another field and we head to the bar to catch up, share stories and compare notes. Cheers!

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