While bicycle touring has been my preferred way of travelling in the past, I’m discovering the joys of travelling at an even slower pace. Walking for reasonably long distances is a great way to explore areas up close, and it feels like a really human way to travel. Almost…like we’re made for this. Which I believe is true.
I’m not a very experienced hiker yet. I’ve done multi-day trek in the mountains (the Pass’ Aran) in 2021 and lots of weekenders and dayhikes at home (pancake flat) and abroad. I’m really looking forward to up my XP this year with my Pyrenees thruhike.
I’ll try to document the trail here. There won’t be a lot of cell coverage, and honestly I don’t know if I want to commit to blogging daily, but I’ll try to at least capture the general experience for memories’ sake.
Read all posts about the GR11 here.