You know, that feeling like there’s a weight lifted off you shoulders and you just want to bounce and jump around and hug random people?
And all, ladies and gentlemen, because….
…..insert drum roll here…
I finally booked my plane ticket.
(This would be the appropriate time to do high-fives, bumshakes, hip-wiggles, stupid grins and slaps on the shoulder. Please join me)
Exactly one year after setting foot on Malaysia’s soil for the first time (or actually, my bike tires) I will return, not with a bicycle but with a bag full of dive gear. Closing the circle. No, that sounds like I am ending an era but I’m just beginning. I am taking the plunge (pun intended) and I know it’s going to be EPIC. Even if I screw up, it will still be epic. And that, my dear, is the spirit.