…Literally five minutes ago I picked up my bra from the floor to put it on and a baby gecko fell out of it.
A Baby Gecko.

Now, baby geckos are adorable so it´s not so bad as finding a squished bug under your boob, but still. Why the hell was there a baby gecko in my bra? Why are there living things inside my bra at all? (apart from my own boobs, thankyouverymuch, who don’t ‘live’ on their own because that would be creepy as fuck). Or in my shoes?
I’m pretty sure this is one of the highlights of the day already (I mean seriously, awwwwwwwww, baby geckos!) together with the fact that I’m teaching a 13-year old diving today, who I’m definitely NOT going to tell about the bra-gecko incident. And that I just saw our kitten creeping up to the monkeys who are stealing coconuts from the garden, looking absolutely terrified. Haha. So, it’s 7.35 am and today is going to be a good day, I think. But first: coffee.